EasyQRCodeJS是一款功能丰富的跨浏览器的纯 JavaScript QRCode 生成库。支持 JavaScript 模块化加载。支持点状风格,Logo,背景图片,规则色彩控制,标题等设置。它的特点还有:
- 跨浏览器,支持基于 HTML5 Canvas 和 Table 的二维码生成
- 支持点形风格的 Required Patterns
- 支持 Quiet Zone 设置
- 支持自定义 Position Pattern 内填充和外边框颜色
- 支持自定义 Alignment Pattern 内填充和外边框颜色
- 支持自定义 Timing Patterns 垂直,水平颜色
- 支持 Logo 图片(包括背景透明的 PNG 图片)
- 支持 Background Image 背景图片
- 支持标题,副标题设置
- 不依赖任何第三方
- 支持 AMD,CMD, CommonJS/Node.js JavaScript 模块加载规范
npm install easyqrcodejs
<script src="dist/easy.qrcode.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<div id="qrcode"></div>
var options = { text: "https://github.com/ushelp/EasyQRCodeJS" }; // Create QRCode Object new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), options);
AMD load
require.config({ // 指定模块id 和其对应文件的相对路径 paths: { QRCode: "<YOUR_PATH>/easy.qrcode.min" } }); require(["QRCode"], function(QRCode){ // Your code... });
const QRCode = require('easyqrcodejs');
var options = { // ====== Basic text: "https://github.com/ushelp/EasyQRCodeJS", width: 256, height: 256, quietZone: 0, colorDark : "#000000", colorLight : "#ffffff", correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H, // L, M, Q, H dotScale: 1 // Must be greater than 0, less than or equal to 1. default is 1 // ====== Logo // logo:"../demo/logo.png", // Relative address, relative to `easy.qrcode.min.js` // logo:"", // logoWidth:80, // widht. default is automatic width // logoHeight:80 // height. default is automatic height // logoBackgroundColor:'#fffff', // Logo backgroud color, Invalid when `logBgTransparent` is true; default is '#ffffff' // logoBackgroundTransparent:false, // Whether use transparent image, default is false // ====== Backgroud Image // backgroundImage: '', // Background Image // backgroundImageAlpha: 1, // Background image transparency, value between 0 and 1. default is 1. // autoColor: false, // ====== Colorful // === Posotion Pattern(Eye) Color // PO: '#e1622f', // Global Posotion Outer color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark` // PI: '#aa5b71', // Global Posotion Inner color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark` // PO_TL:'', // Posotion Outer color - Top Left // PI_TL:'', // Posotion Inner color - Top Left // PO_TR:'', // Posotion Outer color - Top Right // PI_TR:'', // Posotion Inner color - Top Right // PO_BL:'', // Posotion Outer color - Bottom Left // PI_BL:'', // Posotion Inner color - Bottom Left // PO_BR:'', // Posotion Outer color - Bottom Right // PI_BR:'', // Posotion Inner color - Bottom Right // === Alignment Color // AO: '', // Alignment Outer. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark` // AI: '', // Alignment Inner. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark` // === Timing Pattern Color // timing: '#e1622f', // Global Timing color. if not set, the defaut is `colorDark` // timing_H: '', // Horizontal timing color // timing_V: '', // Vertical timing color // ====== Title // title: 'QR Title', // content // titleFont: "bold 18px Arial", //font. default is "bold 16px Arial" // titleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "#000" // titleBackgroundColor: "#fff", // background color. default is "#fff" // titleHeight: 70, // height, including subTitle. default is 0 // titleTop: 25, // draws y coordinates. default is 30 // ====== SubTitle // subTitle: 'QR subTitle', // content // subTitleFont: "14px Arial", // font. default is "14px Arial" // subTitleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "4F4F4F" // subTitleTop: 40, // draws y coordinates. default is 0 // ===== Event Handler // onRender: undefined }
文章来源: https://www.uihtm.com/jquery/9947.html