lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-4.0.0-dist/css/bootstrap.css"gt; lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/bs4.pop.css"gt; lt;script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"gt;lt;/scriptgt; lt;script src="bootstrap-4.0.0-dist/js/bootstrap.js"gt;lt;/scriptgt; lt;script src="./js/bs4.pop.js"gt;lt;/scriptgt;
bs4pop.alert('Alert Dialog', function(){ console.log('You Just Clicked Okay Button'); },{ // options settings here title: 'Alert Dialog', hideRemove: true, width: 500, btns: [ { label: 'Okay', onClick(){ if(cb){ return cb(); } } } ] });
bs4pop.confirm('Are You Sure?', function(sure){ console.log('Are You Sure:', sure); },{ title: 'Confirmation Dialog', hideRemove: true, btns: [ { label: 'Confirm', onClick(){ if(cb){ return cb(true); } } }, { label: 'Cancel', className: 'btn-default', onClick(){ if(cb){ return cb(false); } } } ] });
bs4pop.prompt('Username:', 'Input Placeholder', function(sure, value){ console.log('I am:', value); },{ title: 'Prompt Dialog', hideRemove: true, width: 500, btns: [ { label: 'Okay', onClick(){ if(cb){ return cb(true, $input.val()); } } }, { label: 'Cancel', className: 'btn-default', onClick(){ if(cb){ return cb(false, $input.val()); } } } ] });
var myNofitication = bs4pop.notice('Notification Message', { // primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark type: 'primary', // topleft, topcenter, topright, bottomleft, bottomcenter, bottonright, center position: 'topcenter', // append, prepend appendType: 'append', // shows close button closeBtn: false, // auto dismisses after 2 seconds autoClose: 2000, // CSS class className: '' })
var myDialog = bs4pop.dialog({ // dialog title id: '', // dialog title title: '', // dialog content: string, element, jQuery object content: '', // custom CSS class className: '', // width/height width: 500, height: '', // parent container target: 'body', // shows close button closeBtn: true, // removes the dialog from the DOM after hidden hideRemove: true, // closes the dialog by pressing ESC key escape: true, // sets focus to the dialog on init autoFocus: true, // shows the dialog on init show: true, // shows backdrop // true, false, static backdrop: true, // custom action buttons // [{label: 'Button', className: 'btn-primary',onClick(cb){}}] btns: [], // enables draggable drag: true, // callback functions onShowStart: function(){ // console.log('onShowStart'); }, onShowEnd: function(){ // console.log('onShowEnd'); }, onHideStart: function(){ // console.log('onHideStart'); }, onHideEnd: function(){ // console.log('onHideEnd'); }, onDragStart: function(){ console.log('onDragStart'); }, onDragEnd: function(){ // console.log('onDragEnd'); }, onDrag: function(){ console.log('onDrag'); } });
文章来源: https://www.uihtm.com/jquery/9918.html