




var stack,

// Prepare the cards in the stack for iteration.
cards = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('ul li'))

// An instance of the Stack is used to attach event listeners.
stack = Swing.Stack();

cards.forEach(function (targetElement) {
    // Add card element to the Stack.

// Add event listener for when a card is thrown out of the stack.
stack.on('throwout', function (e) {
    // e.target Reference to the element that has been thrown out of the stack.
    // e.throwDirection Direction in which the element has been thrown (Card.DIRECTION_LEFT, Card.DIRECTION_RIGHT).

    console.log('Card has been thrown out of the stack.');
    console.log('Throw direction: ' + (e.throwDirection == Card.DIRECTION_LEFT ? 'left' : 'right'));

// Add event listener for when a card is thrown in the stack, including the spring back into place effect.
stack.on('throwin', function (e) {
    console.log('Card has snapped back to the stack.');


var stack,

config = {
     * Invoked in the event of dragmove.
     * Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completeness of the throw out condition.
     * Ration of the absolute distance from the original card position and element width.
     * @param {Number} offset Distance from the dragStart.
     * @param {HTMLElement} element Element.
     * @return {Number}
    throwOutConfidence: function (offset, element) {
        return Math.min(Math.abs(offset) / element.offsetWidth, 1);
stack = stack = Swing.Stack(config);
名称 描述 默认值
isThrowOut Invoked in the event of dragend. Determines if element is being thrown out of the stack. Element is considered to be thrown out when throwOutConfidence is equal to 1.
throwOutConfidence Invoked in the event of dragmove. Returns a value between 0 and 1 indicating the completeness of the throw out condition. Ration of the absolute distance from the original card position and element width.
throwOutDistance Invoked when card is added to the stack. The card is thrown to this offset from the stack. The value is a random number between minThrowOutDistance and maxThrowOutDistance.
minThrowOutDistance In effect when throwOutDistance is not overwritten. 450
maxThrowOutDistance In effect when throwOutDistance is not overwritten. 500
rotation Invoked in the event of dragmove. Determine the rotation of the element. Rotation is equal to the proportion of horizontal and vertical offset times the maximumRotation constant.
maxRotation In effect when rotation is not overwritten. 20
transform Invoked in the event of dragmove and every time the physics solver is triggered. Uses CSS transform to translate element position and rotation.



var stack,

stack = stack = Swing.Stack();
card = stack.createCard(HTMLElement);
名称 描述
stack.createCard(element) 创建一个和元素相关联的卡片实例。
stack.getCard(element) 返回卡片相关联的元素。
stack.on(event, listener) 为栈添加一个事件监听。
card.on(event, listener) 为卡片添加一个事件监听。
card.throwIn(x, y) 从任意位置将卡片拖拽回栈中。x和y是开始抛出的位置。
card.throwOut(x, y) 将卡片拖拽到栈外任意位置。x和y是开始抛出的位置。
card.destroy() 销毁卡片。

可以使用card.throwOut(x, y)方法来将卡片拖拽到容器外。你可已设置卡片的拖拽方向,例如:

card.throwOut(Card.DIRECTION_LEFT, 0);
card.throwOut(Card.DIRECTION_RIGHT, 0);



事件监听可以使用 on 方法附加到Swing.StackSwing.Card上。

var stack,

stack = stack = Swing.Stack();

card = stack.createCard(HTMLElement);

card.on('throwout', function () {});
stack.on('throwout', function () {});
名称 描述
throwout When card has been thrown out of the stack.
throwoutend When card has been thrown out of the stack and the animation has ended.
throwoutleft Shorthand for throwout event in the Card.DIRECTION_LEFT direction.
throwoutright Shorthand for throwout event in the Card.DIRECTION_RIGHT direction.
throwin When card has been thrown into the stack.
throwinend When card has been thrown into the stack and the animation has ended.
dragstart drag start.
dragmove drag move.
dragend drag end.


var stack;

stack = stack = Swing.Stack();

stack.on('throwout', function (eventObject) {});
名称 描述
target The element being dragged.
direction The direction in which the element is being dragged: Card.DIRECTION_LEFT or Card.DIRECTION_RIGHT
throwOutConfidence A value between 0 and 1 indicating the completeness of the throw out condition.
